About Hexing

Little Warmth in Cold Winter

addtime:2017-07-29 Publisher: Browse times:17991

It is the winter time in Kyrgyzstan, dry, chilly wind will freeze your lunges, in one of the village near Bishkek City, several field engineers wearing the yellow helmets, and the air is frozen lace on their skins, far enough from the urban areas, they are busy with installing smart meters for the villagers. 

The biggest problems were the obsolete power supply equipment, poor reliability, line loss and constantly fault occurs.

“whenever there is a problem regarding meters or any other related matters, it is too difficult to solve the problem, the villagers continuously keep calling to complain about problems facing them but the it is really difficult for the power ity to check in timely manner” Anna Said (one of Villagers).

In fact, not only the power problem is only matters that troubled Anna, even in the capital city of Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan, the old mechanical meters are still been in use from the majority of consumers, messy distribution lines, and big tampers events occurs, short circuit happens during snow storm.

Anna’s problem has been solved, power ity had installed Hexing smart meters, which will provide a high accuracy measurement, anti-tamper and events alarm, after that the people start to realize, how much is convenience using the smart meters “we are really feel comfortable after using the smart meters” Anna Said.

In order to increase the reliability and the efficiency of power supplying in Kyrgyzstan, the government has a loan for 25 million US dollar from the world bank, to invest in the power system sector.

In 2015, Hexing won a tender for thousands of smart meters, after hexing finish installing the meters the local power supply company was able to reduce the loss from 22% to 11.5%.

Hexing smart meters not only help the people to reach a convenient life style, but also get the Approbation from different utilities, The AMI system supports remote meter reading, real-time monitoring, strengthen the contact between the utility and the user, greatly improving the efficiency of the utility.

Makc, who work in the Kyrgyzstan's utility he is one of meter reading crew, and the direct beneficiaries of this solution, greatly we reduce the work pressure of the employees, at the base, In addition, the Hexing AMI system can review the user information, monitor the state of the meter, and solve the user's problems as soon as possible, Now, the project installation has reached 90 percent. The further cooperation between hexing and Kyrgyzstan is also being closely followed, and hopefully good news will come soon.

“no need to work so hard, and there is enough time to learn and improve our knowledge” Makc Said.

Although the market demand is changing, Hexing adopted the most secure and stable advanced technology, to help Kyrgyzstan power energy, which also led to the economic development, social stability and improvement of people's living standards. Hexing uses real action to promote the development of countries along the One Belt and One Road.